Policies / Our Promises and Agreements

Service Level Agreement

last updated: 07 June 2021

Effective From: 16th February 2020

We are committed to having a reliable and accessible service which is why we offer a 99.96% uptime guarantee; the equivalent of just 3 hrs and 30 mins in an entire year.

We want our customers to be able to focus on getting their job done with minimal interruption. We don’t want you worried about technology! We don’t like complicated terminology at TeamKinetic, and our SLA is written to be clear and understandable, no matter what your technical background. 

If we fail to meet our high expectations we will refund 20% of your monthly fee as a service credit. If we drop below 99% in any one month we will refund you 50% of your monthly fees as service credits. If the unthinkable happens and we drop below 98% in any one month we will refund you 100% of your monthly fees as service credits.

No complicated calculations. Just an honest commitment to you, our customer.

Monthly Fees and Service Credits

We will pro-rata your monthly costs with TeamKinetic and issue service credits that can be used against future payments to TeamKinetic.

If the Service Availability during any given month falls below 99.96%, Supplier will provide you with an SLA Credit equal to the percentage of the total monthly fee applicable to the month in which the Service Level failure occurred corresponding to the Service Availability Level set forth in the chart below:

Service Availability LevelSLA Credit
Less than 99.96%20% of the total monthly fee applicable to the month in which the failure occurred
Less than 99%50% of the total monthly fee applicable to the month in which the failure occurred
Less than 98%100% of the total monthly fee applicable to the month in which the failure occurred


Monthly Uptime Percentage is simply the percent of total possible minutes the service was available to you. We subtract the Downtime minutes from the total possible minutes in a given month to calculate this.

What does ‘Downtime’ mean?

Several issues can impact a website, some of which are in the control of TeamKinetic and some that are not. Again for the sake of simplicity we refer to downtime by measuring the server response, using server monitoring software to look at results from ping tests, web server tests, TCP port tests, and database tests.

Downtime is based on the number of minutes the service was unavailable. Partial outages are calculated as 30% of the impact as total outages. Major outage minutes + (partial outage minutes * .3) = total minutes of downtime for that day.

Downtime is not

  • Issues related to external integrations or caused by third parties specific to your instance such as with the API.
  • Network problems external to our systems which are out of our control, such as external DNS errors and failures between your ISP and our servers.
  • Any “Planned Downtime” that we agree in advance for service maintenance and updates
  • Slowness with specific features such as a report or a page request.
  • Any misconfigurations of domain names or DNS records that we are not responsible for

We do acknowledge these issues may impact your experience and will work to rectify such issues as soon as possible.

Non-down time incidents

Where your service is not down, but there are issues that are causing users significant problems we apply the following criteria.

“Severity Level 1” is an emergency incident which makes the use or continued use of any one or more functions of the Software impossible or significantly impaired. This includes data loss or a security incident. The condition requires an immediate solution that is not already available to the customer.

“Severity Level 2” is, other than any Severity Level 1 incident, any condition which makes the use or continued use of any one or more functions of the Software difficult and which the customer cannot reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant time or effort.

“Severity Level 3” is, other than any Severity Level 1 incident or Severity Level 2 incident, any limited problem condition which is not critical in that no loss of the customer's Data occurs and which the customer can reasonably circumvent or avoid on a temporary basis without the expenditure of significant time or effort.

“Severity Level 4” is, other than any Severity Level 1 incident, Severity Level 2 incident or Severity Level 3 incident, a minor problem condition or Documentation error which the customer can easily circumvent or avoid. Additional requests for new feature suggestions, which are defined as new functionality in existing Software, are also classified as Severity Level 4.

Response Times

TeamKinetic will respond to an incident, depending on the Severity Level, within the time frames set forth in the chart below, starting from the time the customer notifies the Supplier of the incident.

Severity LevelResponse TimeWorkaround TimeResolution Time
Level 1 incident Within 30 minutes1 hour4 hours
Level 2 incident Within 4 hours4 hours1 day
Level 3 incident Within 1 day1 day7 days
Level 4 incident Within 1 day1 day30 days

How do we measure and report our performance?

Uptime is constantly monitored and recorded from multiple server locations around the world. Any downtime or failure to respond is recorded on our live uptime monitoring page.

We use Relic to monitor our service which is a large and well-established monitoring service and Statuspage from Atlassian to record and display our current and historical uptime.

What to do if you think an issue will impact our SLA?

If you think you have an issue that is impacting your performance or your service is down you can report the incident directly to TeamKinetic at help@teamkinetic.co.uk or use the in-app support tickets and we will immediately investigate. 

We respond to all reported incidents with a short incident report email and if the incident is mission-critical or serious follow up that initial email with a more detailed report. 

What’s not included in this SLA?

This SLA does not include incidents caused by factors outside of our reasonable control;

  • that resulted from any actions or inactions of you or any third party;
  • that resulted from your equipment and/or third-party equipment (not within the primary control of us)

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